11 April 2009

Gallery sitting

For the past several days I've been at something of a low ebb. There's nothing in particular ailing me. The flame's simply a bit dim.

Today I was scheduled to sit with the gallery run by the Art Association of Ridge Spring. Normally, since such sitting is a rather quiet endeavor, I and other gallery associates (that's what we sitters are called officially) do something constructive -- like paint or clean. Today, however, I stayed quiet, enjoying the people who strolled through and forging ahead on the mystery I'm reading.

I did have the camera with me, however, so I have a few photographs to share. The gallery is in an old school -- well-remembered by many Ridge Spring residents and much-loved by, well maybe, not all of them!

This is a view of the larger of the two rooms currently used as gallery space, taken from the central hall where the desk is located. This room is to the right off the front door as the visitor faces the building. The large, old windows -- all in need of glazing, sorry to say -- provide lots of rather soft light.

This is the room to the left of the front door. From the looks of the far wall (left side of photo; wall without blackboard), this room was once the size of the larger gallery, having been divided into two rooms at some point in the school's past.

And, here is where I spent a good bit of the day ... in a cushiony wicker chair, the "art gallery open" banner flapping in the breeze (and wrapping around the pole), the book in my lap and sun on my legs.

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