So, while sweating – literally – over stacks
of folded clothes covering the bed at home nearly two weeks ago, I couldn’t
bring myself to invest precious suitcase space in anything fluffy or in long sleeves and
or a turtleneck. Every decision has
consequences; I am paying for having not made that investment.
After Cleveland came Wyandotte (Michigan)
and an ominous forecast for Lake Huron. A
combination of winds out of the north, five-to-seven foot seas, rain, a cold
front were to be expected. Best case, a hint
of a window between two systems. Worst
case, sit it out in Wyandotte.

While wishing for warmer clothes, I am ever so
grateful that bringing foul weather gear was never in question. I’d have been vessel-bound if the Gortex had
been left behind with the fleece, the long sleeves, the turtleneck. Cold is one thing. Cold and wet entirely another.
Next time (oh, and there will be one): at least one warm, versatile layer. In the meantime, however, I’m here. So, another foray into the chilly but
colorful damp. I’ll just be brisk about
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