30 December 2008

A spa event

Yes, in Edgefield.

Our local library (the Edgefield County Public Library, to be more specific and accurate) sponsored a "spa event" this afternoon for the women of the community. The postcard invitation promised presentations on the female body, a make-up demonstration, door prizes and refreshments. Who could say no to that?

I arrived about ten of four to an upbeat greeting from the library staff. By the time 4:00 arrived there were roughly eight to ten participants in place, representing an amazing cross section of our community -- a poet to the Meals on Wheels driver. During the two major talks the exchanges between the speaker and the participants and among the participants were funny and entertaining and helpful. For that positive spirit alone I'm glad I went.

The most carefully covered information was the new (2005) food pyramid from the US Department of Agriculture. Rather than the old stacked look with grains at the bottom and fats at the top, this pyramid resembles a teepee, the food groups tall, thin and triangular. The pyramid also features stairs up one side, a reminder that diet without exercise looses effectiveness. Particularly interesting to me is that the pyramid is entitled "My Pyramid: Steps to a Healthier You" and via the website -- MyPyramid.gov -- it can be personalized to an individual, taking into account health issues, age and the like. Unfortunately, I've not been able to get the web site to come up yet. But, a personalized, almost interactive web site is a fine idea ...

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