17 December 2008

The promised photos

The decorating's done. Now ... on to the housecleaning. The dust we stirred up is almost frightening.

First though, here are the photos I promised at the end of Monday. They're unedited and I didn't give much thought to proper pre-shutter lighting or to adjusting the white balance. But, you get the idea. Tal took at the boxes back to the attic before supper and everything -- save the dust and bits of tinsel -- looks rather nice. I'm looking forward to enjoying the soft glow of the lights and the unusual sight of bowls filled with gold stars and pinecones and the like between now and the Epiphany.

These two taken in the dining room were shot using a tripod with two variables: exposure and lights in use in the room. I know. I need to keep working on indoor technique. Our second tree -- the wrought iron one -- is partially visible on the left side of the lower photograph.

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