11 November 2010

That twice-a-year visit

Not many people I know like going to the dentist.  Something about the expectation of pain, or being scolded, I'd imagine.  Not many people associate the word "pleasant" with having their teeth cleaned, filled, straightened, capped. 

Although I could not say with any surety how old I was, I do remember clearly my first visit to Dr Joseph in Georgetown -- the small waiting room just off Front Street, the line of examining rooms down the hall, Dr Joseph's efforts to allay my fears.  He even got down on my level to meet me, telling me step-by-step what was involved in having my teeth checked.  While the occasional filling and getting my one crown were not exactly fun, from my first encounter with Dr Joseph nearly 50 years ago I have looked forward to having my teeth cleaned.

Today was the day I've had marked on my calendar since last April.  Tal and I are home from Dr Adams' office in Greenwood; we both have slick teeth and new tooth brushes.  And, I have a day marked in a box on next May's calendar page.

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