19 November 2009

New eyes

It's rather a pleasure to come home after more than a week away and to see the place with new eyes. Yesterday afternoon, even though the afternoon was sunless, I spent an hour strolling around the yard, finding subjects aplenty to photograph. Like Wilmington and Baltimore, we are having a fine autumn.

There's a tulip poplar volunteer growing near the screened porch which displays its own lace, letting the observer see the intricacies of the vein pattern in this prominent disintegrating leaf.

The Japanese maple is one of my favorite specimens in our yard, the leaves showing both red and green, sometimes in the same leaf.

Getting this shot required flattening myself on the ground in front of the dandelion and red leaf -- and ending up sort of disheveled looking.

The crepe myrtles are giving us double colors in the same leaf, some red and green, here showing yellow and green.

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