04 August 2008

Punting on the Stour

On our last morning in Canterbury Tal had a surprise up his sleeve. We ate breakfast, finished packing, deposited our luggage in the innkeepers' lounge and went out for a walk. Ending up at the Westgate bridge we engaged a craft and a guide for an hour-long cruise on the River Stour. It was the perfect way to end our visit, punting past the Westgate Gardens, under footbridges and railroad trestles, through fields and into the countryside -- upstream going out and downstream on the return.

Time came soon enough to say the inevitable goodbyes, collect our things and enjoy the short ride to the Canterbury West train station. The two+ hour journey, punctuated by one change of trains, was followed by a coach ride to our hotel for the night, where we arrived shortly before 4:00.

It may take some time to post this entry. Access to the internet is available here in the hotel, but at a cost of £15 per hour (that's $30), I think the BLOG can wait. When I do make the post, I'll give it the date it was written.

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